Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Soy la Reina

el Palacio Real  (lookin super tall)
For my "Tourist Tuesdays," as I decided to call them, I ventured to el Palacio Real, or the Royal Palace, in Madrid.  Now the building is simply used for tours or diplomatic gatherings, but way back when, (I wasn't paying attention during the tour the specific date seemed to have just slipped my mind!) the royal family lived in the Palace! (Roayal Family--> el Palacio Real --> Royal Palce.....Thus, El Palacio Real. Props to Madrid on their creativity, am I right!?!?) So I bought my ticket, waited in line, and then was able to enter the palace! No pictures are allowed inside the tour, so naturally I was super inconspicuous about taking secret pictures I followed that rule.  Everything was so elaborate and beautiful, I could not believe that people lived there at some point! Made my dorm room look like absolute crap. I took my time, looked through the rooms, and concluded that my version of fancy has been wrong for years.

secret picture
beautiful ceiling!

At the end of my visit, I was getting a little hungry (I'd be lying if I said this wasn't typical) so I decided to venture the few blocks over to el Mercado de San Miguel, a market that has a ton of little mini restaurant-booths selling every type of Spanish food you could ever want! Naturally, I went for a huge bowl of chicken paella with a glass of red wine (ONLY 5 EURO SUCH A GOOD DEAL...I wasn't excited or anything.) It wouldn't have been right to leave the house without buying some sort of pastry, so naturally I got two at the market to continue my 4 month pastry tour of Madrid!

All in all, another successful Tuesday Emily day!

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